In their own words: "He found me in the archives of match. We met and were surprised by how much we had in common. We both grew up on looney tunes, little rascals, 3 stooges and 70s music. We lived in Quincy at the same time for 15 years while vacationing in Maine 10 miles from each other. Our paths never crossed.
We had both been givers, willing to do whatever it takes to make things work. In a very short time, we knew what we had was rare and "meant to be". We started planning our life together. Cooking together, family events, growing and learning. House shopping every weekend in Maine and sharing our dreams over brunch at Bintliffs just seemed natural. We were both very independent and were choosing to be together.
In one year's time, we pooled our money, bought a house in Maine and left Quincy and our old lives behind. Since then, we have made our house a home and enjoy every day in Maine together. We found each other in "phase 3" of our lives and we want to celebrate with our friends and family the wonderful thing that can happen when you least expect it...Love"
